Der verschlossene Ordner


Irgendetwas stimmte nicht, wieso zur Hölle war Dannys Spanking Ordner, in dem er all seine Videos, Geschichten und Zeichnungen aufbewahrte, auf einmal durch ein Passwort geschützt? Er probierte es mit allen möglichen Worten die ihm einfielen aber der Ordner ließ sich nicht öffnen. War sowas durch einen Virus möglich?  Ziemlich  unwahrscheinlich. Die einzige Person, die seinen PC sonst noch nutzte, wenn sie bei ihm war, war seine Freundin Mia, mit der er etwa einen Monat zusammen war. Eigentlich war der Ordner gut versteckt und nicht leicht auffindbar, wenn man nicht wusste wo man suchen musste. Wenn sie es war, dann wusste sie nun von seiner Neigung. Sie spielte gern mal Spielchen mit ihm, genoss es ihn zu überraschen und zu fordern. Aber eine Spanking Neigung hatte sie wahrscheinlich nicht. Hoffentlich ist das nicht das aus für unsere Beziehung, dachte Danny. Er schrieb er ihr per WhatsApp:


„Einer meiner Ordner ist verschlüsselt, bist du dafür verantwortlich?“

„Hää, welcher Ordner?“

„Schon gut, ist wahrscheinlich doch ein Virus.“

„Ich weiß es.“

„Also bist doch du dafür verantwortlich?“


„Bist du sauer auf mich?“

„Nein, aber eine Strafe hast du dir schon verdient, zum einen weil du mir dein kleines Hobby verheimlicht hast, zum anderen spielst du bestimmt mit deinem Schwanz rum, wenn du in deinem Ordner unterwegs bist. Hab ich recht?“

„Ja schon …“

„Nur wenn Frauen den Hintern voll bekommen oder auch wenn Männer von Frauen den Hintern vollbekommen?“


„Du bist wirklich ein unartiger Junge, zu schade dass du nicht mehr rein kommst, in deinen schönen Ordner.“

„Hab ich wohl Pech gehabt.“

„In der Tat, aber vielleicht verrat ich dir das Passwort ja, nachdem ich dich bestraft habe.“

„Danke, ich hätte echt nicht gedacht, dass du dazu bereit bist, deswegen hab ich es dir bisher verheimlicht. Sorry!“

„Schon gut, ich hab um ehrlich zu sein ähnliche Fantasien, ich hatte sogar mal einen Ex mit dem ich geswitcht habe. Vielleicht darfst du mir sogar irgendwann mal den Hintern versohlen. Aber heute bist du es, der bestraft wird. Ich komme zwischen 19 und 20 Uhr vorbei. Ich erwarte dass du komplett nackt im Wohnzimmer in der Ecke stehst. Die Ecke kannst du dir aussuchen.“

„Muss das sein?“

„Ja das muss sein, finde ich dich nicht genau so vor, hat das Konsequenzen und dein Passwort kriegst du dann auch nicht.“

„Ok, da muss ich wohl durch. Bis später dann.

„Bis später.“



Danny stand wie angeordnet in der Ecke. Es fühlte sich komisch an, komplett nackt alleine im Wohnzimmer zu stehen. Aber genau das war wohl Mias Ziel, sie wollte ihn verunsichern, testen wie viel macht sie über ihn hatte. Dadurch dass er nicht genau wusste, wann sie kam, musste er in dieser demütigenden Position auf sie warten. Sie konnte jeden Moment die Wohnung betreten und er glaubte ihr, dass es Konsequenzen geben würde, würde sie ihn nicht so vorfinden. Das wollte er nicht riskieren Eigentlich war er froh dass es passiert war, er hatte das Material in seinem Ordner über Jahre gesammelt und war damit zufrieden seine Neigung in der Fantasie auszuleben. Doch jetzt bekam er dank Mia die Möglichkeit es real auszuleben. Wenn sie ihn noch nur nicht so lange warten lassen würde. Er drehte seinen Kopf und blickte an die Wanduhr, schon 19:30 Uhr. Plötzlich hörte er wie die Wohnungstür aufgeschlossen wurde. Kurz darauf kam Mia ins Wohnzimmer. Danny wendete seinen Kopf und blickte Mia an.

„Gesicht zur Wand!“ sagte sie streng und fügte dann etwas weniger streng hinzu. „Aber schön dass du wie angeordnet in der Ecke befindest. Warst du auch wie angeordnet seit 19 Uhr dort, hast deine Position nicht verlassen?“

Mit dem Gesicht zur Wand antwortete Danny: Ja ich war seit 19 Uhr dort und nein ich habe meine Position nicht verlassen.“

„Guter Junge, leider warst du nicht immer so brav. Weshalb eine Bestrafung wohl dringend notwendig ist. Wie oft hast du dir seitdem wir zusammen sind mit Hilfe deines Ordners oder sonstigen Seiten einen runtergeholt?“

Danny seufzte: „Hast  du seit wir zusammen sind nie masturbiert?“

„Doch, aber es geht hier nicht um mich, sondern um dich. Also antworte oder es gibt Konsequenzen.“

„Bestimmt so zehnmal,“ Sagte er kleinlaut.

„Böser Junge, runden wir vorsichthalber auf 15 auf. Du hast doch deinen schwarzen Ledergürtel noch.“ Fragte Mia mit deutlichem, sadistischem Unterton in der Stimme.


„Hol ihn!“

Als Danny zurückkam hatte Mia inzwischen auf dem großen Ledersofa Platz genommen.

„Leg den Gürtel auf den Tisch, zuerst werde ich dich dafür bestrafen dass du mir nichts von deinem Spanking Hobby erzählt hast. Aber wenn ich mir deinen Schwanz so anschaue, scheint dir wohl nicht klar zu sein, dass das hier eine Strafe ist. Dir wird der Spaß gleich vergehen Leg dich über mein Knie.“

Kaum lag er über ihrem Knie, begann sie mit ihrer Hand auszuholen. Immer abwechseln links und rechts bearbeite sie mit ihren Schlägen seinen Hintern. Immer wenn er kurz davor war vor Schmerz loszubrüllen machte sie eine kurze Pause und streichelte seinen Hintern. Doch irgendwann hatte sie ihn da wo sie ihn haben wollte.

„Autsch, Fuck.“ Schrie er und versuchte mit seiner Hand seinen Hintern zu schützen.

Doch Mia reagiert sofort in dem seine Hand nahm und an seinem Rücken fixierte.

„Weißt du, ich war kurz davor den ersten Teil der Bestrafung zu beenden, aber bei so einer schlechten Ausdrucksweiße müssen wir die Bestrafung wohl noch etwas verlängern, damit die Lektion ankommt.“ Sie war jetzt richtig in ihrem Element, Danny merkte ihr an wie sehr sie das Ganze genoss. Im Gegensatz zu ihm. Er war kurz davor loszuheulen und wünschte sich nur noch, es möge enden. Aber Mia war Gnadenlos sie zog durch was sie sich vorgenommen. Sie hielt ihn trotz seines Gejammers und seiner Gegenwehr in Position und schlug weiter mit ihrer Hand auf seinen Hintern . Irgendwann hatte sie schließlich doch ein Einsehen. Er spürte wie sein Hintern gestreichelt wurde.

„So den ersten Teil deiner Bestrafung hast du überstanden. Bist du bereit, für Teil 2?“

„Weiß nicht. Können wir es nicht gut sein lassen?“ Fragte  Danny erschöpft.

„Nein, außerdem steht dein kleiner Freund schon wieder. So schlimm kann es also nicht sein. Vielleicht darfst du deinen kleinen Freund nachher auch in meine Pussy stecken. Aber dafür musst du jetzt kooperieren, verstanden?“

Danny nickte.

Gut leg dich mit dem Bauch auf die Couch. Für die fünfzehnmal die du dir einen runtergeholt hast seit dem wir zusammen sind, bekommst du fünfzehn Gürtelhiebe.

Danny schrie gleich beim ersten Gürtelhieb auf, die Hand war schon schlimm gewesen aber gegenüber dem Gürtel ein reines Vergnügen. Die nächsten Hiebe trafen ihn, er zappelte, schrie und schluchzte. Aber Mia war gnadenlos, sie hatte ihm fünfzehn Gürtelhiebe versprochen und die bekam er auch. Für die wenigsten Passiven war ein Spanking währenddessen ein Genuss. Der Genuss kam hinterher, das wusste sie aus Erfahrung. Bald würde er sich wünschen wieder von ihr bestraft zu werden, da war sie sich sicher.

„So es ist vorbei“, sagte sie nachdem sie ihm den letzten Schlag verabreicht hatte. Sein Hintern war leicht gerötet aber sonst ging es ihm gut. Sie nahm ihn tröstend in den Arm nachdem aufgestanden war.

„Danke, dass du mir ermöglicht hast Spanking real zu erleben. Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass es so schmerzhaft ist.“

„Wenn ich spanke schon. Willst du es noch einmal erleben?“ Blickte sie ihn  herausfordernd an.

„Ich denke schon aber ich glaube Morgen bist du erst mal dran mit bestraft werden.“

Sie schaute ihn verwundert an, „Was wieso?“

„Dafür dass du einfach so an meinem PC rumschnüffelst, in Ordner schaust die dich eigentlich nichts angehen und außerdem hast du vorhin zugegeben, selbst auch masturbiert zu haben, seit wir zusammen sind.“

„Dann kriegst du aber dein Passwort nicht.“ Sagte Mia schmollend und verschränkte die Arme.

„Ich weiß mittlerweile, dass das Passwort Mia lautet, hätte ich auch früher drauf kommen können.

Sweetpain F/FM (English)

With a smile, Sarah clicked through the contact ads. She wasn‘t looking for a partner, but she found it interesting from time to see what other people with similar inclinations sought:
Teacher is looking for female student
Female student is looking for teacher
Father is looking for ageplay daughter
Daughter is looking for ageplay father
Long-time teacher offers punishment for money
Rubenesque lady punishes naughty boys
Sarah found most contact ads unerotic, nevertheless she found it interesting to see all sorts of inclinations advertised.
Sarah had a boyfriend named Ben, she had confessed to him a few months ago that she liked spanking and her confession brought new momentum to their relationship. He had fantasies similar to her, through role-playing, they committed to putting their fantasies into action. Sometimes she was the naughty schoolgirl sentenced to detention and sometimes Ben was the naughty student who had been caught smoking. It was exciting for both of them. However, something was missing they were too inhibited to hurt each other properly. In Sarah's imagination, however, the pain was the biggest draw and she believed Ben felt similarly. After some typical contact ads, she noticed the following contact ad:
Hello, I'm 32 years old. I am neither an Educator nor a Dominatrix, but just dominant. I want to fulfill your wishes as long as you agree with mine. I like spanking, love to punish, to inflict pain, to watch you suffer, but only in a role-play scenario, in real life I don't want to dictate to anyone.
From tender to hard, many things are possible. Beginners are just as welcome to me as the experienced. Whether male or female does not matter. I don't charge money, I just have to feel that it fits. If I have sparked your interest, then send me your wish scenario and some info about you. You're also welcome to take a look at my homepage. There you will find reports and photos.
Sweet painful greetings.

Sarah's interest was aroused. Curious, she clicked on the home page of Sweetpain where she found several ( factual ) reports from women, men and couples which seemed very authentic:
“Sweetpain made my imagined scene come true.”
“Sweetpain helped me give my friend the deserved punishment. Fortunately, he is still as naughty as before.”
“She spends a lot of time with you and tries to get to know one personally.”
There were also pictures to see in three galleries, an F/F gallery, an F/M gallery and a FF/M gallery. In no photo were the faces recognizable, but in some photos, Sweetpain had several colored tattoos on her upper arms.
Only a few minutes ago Sarah wasn’t going to respond to any ad at all, but now she thought she would have to talk to Ben.
A few days later, Ben and Sarah sat together on Sarah's couch. Despite their relationship, both lived in separate apartments. They spent a lot of time together and both had a key to the partner's apartment. Thus they were there for each other without annoying each other. Sarah tapped something on the keyboard of her laptop, her fingers racing over the keys. After she finished typing, she showed Ben the email so he could read it:
Hi Sweetpain,
We are Ben & Sarah, and we have seen your ad, on the Internet and have visited your website. This is the first time we have responded to a contact ad so we are unsure what to write.
We liked your homepage, the reviews have made us curious. We like to switch and we are still pretty inexperienced. Unfortunately have problems causing pain to each other. But in our in our minds, this mixture of pain and desire is exactly what we are looking for. As a scenario, we  propose the following:
We have to go to the director, because we were after the break in the schoolyard smooching. We have already been in trouble for skipping classes, barely listening in class and not turning up for detention, and were on our last chance.
Hope that's enough as a scenario, we have a penchant for school scenarios, even though we were good students in the real world. We are a bit insecure and nervous about approaching you, but would still like to hear from you.
Best regards
Ben and Sarah

 After Ben read the email, Sarah sent it off.
On a rainy Saturday, two weeks later, Ben and Sarah sat in the car. They were on their way to Sweetpain, both were very nervous and didn't talk much. The stormy rain, which dripped on the car window, additionally caused a depressed mood.
Sweetpain had responded to the email after two days. An F/FM session was new territory for her too, but she was interested and believed that she could implement the scenario well. She would give them a heady surprise of pain and pleasure. Then there was a telephone conversation with all three.
 Sweetpain had a friendly, feminine voice, it was nice to talk to her. Ben and Sarah lose their inhibitions pretty quickly. They talked to her about spanking and their wishes, as if it were completely natural and not at all embarrassing. She suggested Ben and Sarah visit her. “We'll just see if it fits, drink a beer together and then decide if it comes to a session or not."
At last Sarah parked the car in front of the secluded house. Due to the wet roads they were ten minutes late for their appointment. Nervously, Ben rang the doorbell. With a sinister sarcastic smile, a handsome black-haired woman with a black short top and several colored tattoos on her arms, opened the door.
"You're too late, that's an entry in the punishment book," she said with a stern voice, but then began to laugh heartily. Ben and Sarah joined the laughter with relief. For a brief moment they were scared but now they realized it was just fun.
“Nah, was just a joke. We are not yet into our little roleplaying game. I’m Jana, so call me that in real life,” she said and winked at them.
Jana invited them in and led her into the living room.
"What do you want to drink, coffee, beer or something stronger?"
They both decided on a beer, Jana took three beers out of the fridge and sat down next to them. It came to small talk, they talked about the stressful car ride in bad weather.
 Jana nodded sympathetically, "yeah, the weather is really crappy today.”
"How long have you been doing this?" asked Ben.
“Spanking or the personals?”
“It started as a teenager. I always liked to measure myself against boys in sports. I was good at football and table tennis, I defeated many big strong boys with big mouths, the anger and disappointment in their faces somehow gave me something, but I didn't have any spanking fantasies back then. Later, I tried so softer stuff with my partners, handcuffs and candle wax, I was the dominant player in such games. I just liked it better. In an internet portal for erotic stories, I then discovered a story in which a woman spanked a man. The story wasn't very good, but made me clear in what I wanted. I educated myself on the internet. My mind was totally overcrowded with stupid, dominant fantasies. It took awhile, but eventually I confided in my husband. He liked my fantasies and became my first experimental object. I'm really lucky with him. However, at some point I wanted more, I was tempted to dominate others as well. That's why I eventually created a contact ad and opened the website.”
“Doesn't your husband have any problems with you dominating others, or is he totally subordinate to you?” asked Sarah.
“No, luckily only when spanking. In the beginning it was really hard for him to accept the whole thing. In the meantime he has come to terms with it. When people come more often, he also sometimes watches and takes pictures that you can see on my website.”
“Wow, nice that he sees the whole thing and is now more relaxed about it. But today he won't just turn up and take pictures?”
“No, don`t worry. He does that only when it is wanted, otherwise he is very tolerant and leaves the house. Moreover, it is not yet clear whether this will come to a session or not.
One thing I want to tell you, then you may decide if you want me to be your strict director. There are actually only two rules: During the session I‘m in charge. Although during the session, you can influence the session through your behaviour. Through contradiction or disobedience you can show me that you want more, otherwise you must behave quieter. I will not make it easier or harder because you say so, and I will determine which instruments are used.
 You always have the opportunity to end the session. Simply call "demolition",then I will stop. Then the session will be finished for the day. I won't throw you out would be and we can talk about it, but there will be no second attempt that day.”
“Has anyone ever finished the session early?” inquired Ben.
“Yes, luckily so far it has only happened once. Fortunately, the second attempt, to that came a few weeks later, was better and not the last. Sarah and Ben nodded. “Fuck, we are pretty nervous but we we trust you, can we start?
“I'm also a bit nervous, is always different with new people and I have not had an F/FM session before, we can handle it. I really want to do something good for you. Okay, I'm going to my study on the first floor, the first door on the right. Drink some more beer and come up when you're ready,” she hugged Ben and Sarah, then she went upstairs.
"Come in," called Sweetpain in a deep stern voice.
 Ben and Sarah entered the office. It was a big bald office, Sweetpain was sitting in front of a wooden desk, on the other side there were two chairs for Ben and Sarah.
"You know why you are here?" She asked after the two had taken their seats, her voice sounded a little lower, a little less feminine.
"Nope, I don't know,” Sarah answered curtly.
"Well, then I will tell you, Mr. … uh ... Müller told me that you came 10 minutes late for the biology lesson, you were seen kissing in the schoolyard. In addition, you have recently played truant from several lessons and you have not appeared in detention. Do you have something to say about that?”
“We're sorry, we are just in love and we screwed up. We will try to improve," promised Ben.

That's a start, but you still deserve a penalty for your behavior, you have not turned up to detention, therefore I have to resort to tougher penalties.”
Sweetpain got up, took her chair, and put it, in the middle of the room.
“Sarah come here!”
"But Mrs. Director…”
“No, if you don’t want to make it worse, come here now and lie down over my knee.”
Sarah wondered if she should resist, but decided against it, she didn't want to challenge Sweetpain immediately. She approached Sweetpain and lay down over her knee, it felt gentle for her to lie over a woman's knee. But the first blows were anything but gentle. Sweetpain smacked her hard on the buttocks, left and right. Although Sarah was still wearing her pants, she felt the pain, she groaned and fidgeted a bit. Ben had turned his chair around and was watching It wasn‘t unusual. He has never seen someone else spanking Sarah, he liked it and turned him on.
Sweetpain looked up and smiled, “it’s your turn soon, Ben!”
Then she told Sarah to get up and pull down her pants and panties. Sarah obeyed, red faced with shame, also her butt had a slight redness despite the protective pants. After she was over Sweetpain’s knee there followed the next strong blows. Sweetpain took short breaks and gently stroked Sarah's buttocks. Despite the breaks, the beating became more and more unpleasant. Instinctively Sarah tried to protect her butt with her hand but Sweetpain grabbed her hand and squeezed it against her back, with the other hand, she continued to beat.
“Nice try, but not with me Miss.”
Sarah got a few big blows, then she was allowed to get up.
“Stand in the corner, face to the wall, hands behind the head. You don‘t rub your buttocks, you don‘t turn round and the pants stay where they are. Do you understand?”
She nodded, although she was disappointed that she wasn't allowed to watch her boyfriend being punished. Nevertheless, she initially decided to obey, for the moment she had had enough, so she slipped into the corner with her pants and panties down. Sarah heard Ben being ordered to position himself over Sweetpain's knee. First spanking noises were heard, although Sarah was more concerned with the pain, she couldn't help it, she had to risk it. She took her hands down and rubbed briefly over the bottom. After that, it did not burn that much anymore. Sarah heard Ben ordered to pull down his pants. She couldn't resist and turned around several times. Even Ben's ass was already slightly red and he wriggled and groaned.
Eventually Ben was allowed to get up.
“Sarah come here ! Didn't I tell you not to rub your butt and not turn around? You probably believed I didn’t see it, but you can't trick me, miss. You realize that such behavior cannot go unpunished?”
Sarah nodded, intimidated.
“Bend over and put your hands on the seat of the chair. Since your disobedience has hurt your friend's privacy, he will punish you.”
She handed Ben a small wooden paddle, “what do you think, how many strokes she has earned?”
Ben didn’t want to overdo it on his girlfriend, but he also didn’t want Sweetpain to complain that the number was too low and award more strokes, “Ten strokes,” he finally said.
Sweetpain agreed, “Sarah you count each stroke and after each stroke you say: I'm a naughty girl and deserve to be punished,” she ordered.
Gently Ben clapped the paddle on Sarah's butt, “One, I'm a naughty girl and deserve to be punished”.
Sweetpain was not satisfied, “What are you ? A pussy ? Give me the paddle I’ll show you how to spank properly, If you get it wrong again, she gets double the number of strokes from me.”
With a strong swing Sweetpain hit the paddle on her ass. Sarah screamed out loud, but didn't forget to count.
“Sorry, but the two strokes don't count, I hope for you, your boyfriend makes it better this time.”
With a slightly shaky hand Ben struck, “one, I'm a naughty girl and deserve to be punished”.
Sweetpain pointed with her thumb up, she was satisfied. Ben was allowed to continue the punishment, he succeeded quite well and he felt that the punishment aroused his girlfriend. She screamed after every stroke, but it always sounded more like desire than crying.
On the tenth and last swat, Sarah counted wrong, “one, I'm a naughty girl and deserve more.”
All three started laughing, “the punishment was probably not effective enough. Well, you wanted it that way,” Sweetpain said with a sadistic grin.
Sarah regretted her boldness and got a little scared, “please, it was just a joke.”
“You should have thought of that earlier, Ben pull down your pants and stand in the corner!”
“May I please watch, Miss Director ? I’m ready to receive extras.”
For a moment, Sweetpain was stunned, “you're crazy for beginners ! Good, sit on a chair and keep your distance.”
Sweetpain took the paddle, “Sarah, you don't need to count.”
She swung her arm and slapped the paddle on her ass. Shortly thereafter followed the next blow.
Sarah screamed and fidgeted, it didn’t sound so pleasurable now. After the fifth smack, Sweetpain paused and stroked her butt soothingly.
"Five smacks, you’re halfway there.”
She took the paddle, this time she took a shorter swing and gave her the rest of the blows. After it was over, no one could stop Sarah from rubbing her aching butt and Sweetpain let her do it….
After Sarah calmed down, she ordered, “Sarah you can you up your pants. Ben come here, pants and boxer shorts down. Bend over, hands on the chair!”
She handed Sarah the wooden paddle, “What do you think ? How many strokes has he earned?
Twenty, the same number that I got.”
“All right Ben, you count with and after each stroke you say: I'm a naughty boy and deserve to be punished,” commanded Sweetpain and giving Sarah the paddle. After he had punished her Sarah had no inhibitions about doing the same to him, she swung the paddle and slapped it on his bottom.
“One, I'm a naughty boy and deserve to be punished.”
She tried to administer the next blows at the same strength. It excited her to see him suffer, but even Ben was excited as she could see by his erection.
“Twenty, I'm a naughty boy and deserve to be punished,” he had done it.
Sarah took him in her arms. She tenderly stroked his ass and kissed him.
After a while, they were interrupted by Sweetpain, “I think you will still smooch in the schoolyard in the future, I was probably not strict enough. You cannot get away from me that easily.”
She put two chairs in the middle, “kneel side by side on one chair each. Yes exactly. Hold tight to each other's shoulders. You’ll get a few strokes with the riding crop, then you have survived it,” she lifted the riding crop and beat left and right alternately. Ben and Sarah twitched a bit at each stroke. But it was not so bad because of the mutual body contact. The pain started to feel good, just as they started to enjoy it, it was over.
“So we're done I would say. You can get dressed again. If you want, you can rest in our bedroom a bit, it seems you’ve had fun. The bed is freshly made, there’s some cream on the bedside table and in the top drawer you will find condoms, if you need them. Then we can then toast with a glass of champagne.”
 Ben and Sarah accepted the offer.
The three sat with a glass of champagne on the couch.
“Thank you for what you have made possible. It was exactly what we wanted, you can be pretty strict, but it must be like that,” Sarah said thoughtfully. “In a session, where pleasure and pain are so close to each other.”
“Yes, I’m sometimes surprised myself. It feels right at the moment. I have always been a little bit afraid that people don't like me afterwards. Luckily, I've always felt the right way.” Jana looked at the clock, “In half an hour my husband comes home. Would it be okay for you to go home soon? I’m quite happy to repeat the whole thing on another occasion. We can play different roles as long as I am one of the dominants.”
Ben and Sarah agreed, they hugged Jana goodbye and happily got into the car.

Der verschlossene Ordner

  Irgendetwas stimmte nicht, wieso zur Hölle war Dannys Spanking Ordner, in dem er all seine Videos, Geschichten und Zeichnungen aufbewa...